How a fractional Chief Experience Officer (CXO) can help your org bring all your wild customer insights back home

Market studies, analytics, UX research, R&D, domain knowledge, sales stories from the field, feedback, support calls, social media, user stories, customer councils and online forums, and more: a fractional CXO can help you target, synthesize, and act on a mixed bag of customer insights, with confidence.

I have seen a great deal of conflict over how different orgs within a company (product, marketing, sales, support, design, engineering) gather, understand, and act on customer data. Moreso, each group has a different perspective on the business case: is it about pursuing one key customer this quarter, or thinking more broadly about positioning a unique product amidst competitors for a yearly convention?


Personas are stale. Segments are too broad. New approaches to the *question of who* uses your product are key: our approach.


Culture of Cloud: A Podcast about Humans and High Tech by MaaxaLabs